Good Morning, Christmas!

We had such a fun Christmas and Christmas Eve. We spent Christmas Eve morning with Tyler's Grandpa Larry and Grandma Diane and her granddaughter (and her granddaughter's husband and puppy. Guess what my kids' favorite part was? Yeah, the eggs. NOOOO, the puppy, silly!). We also went up to SLC to visit some friends. Then, we headed to my brother's house in Orem. It is so nice having my brother and his family close. The kids LOVED playing with their cousins and we loved eating such yummy food. Thanks again, Deon (since I know you're the one who cranked out such fabulous treats!).We had our traditional Christmas Vigil before bed. A tradition in Tyler's family, we read the story of Christ's birth and sing all the Christmas Carols that we can (that fit in with the Christmas story--we had to explain several times to Sheridan that "Frosty the Snowman" and "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" don't really fit in with the story of Christ's birth!) And then, Santa Claus visited us. No, really, he came down to the kids rooms and they got to SEE him! Whoa. He gave them each a candy cane and a stuffed puppy and they were SO EXCITED I can't believe that they actually slept.
And then, the kiddos didn't get up until 7:30 am! Oh, what a beautiful morning! Merry Christmas to Tyler and I! We all crept upstairs to discover that Santa had indeed left some goods for us all.
Here, Jack has discovered the Leapster he's been begging Santa for. Sheridan discovered her high chair, and Henry was wondering what the slide was that Santa left for him...or maybe he just wants the electronics in my hand!
Jack asked for a guitar, and he got a REAL lighting mcqueen acoustic. His favorite part? Un-tuning it!
Sheridan got some SWEET dress ups from the grandparents. She decided to climb Henry's slide in her "glass slippers". They are, like, 3 inch thick acrylic platform heals. She had a different dress on all day long. Really, she was in heaven!
Henry was STOKED to rock out to his Popper Chopper (yep, it's one of the ball popper thingies but it looks like a motorcycle and plays an electric guitar "bad to the bones". He loves pushing the button again. and again. oh, yes, and again). He's one rockin' kid.

It was such a relaxing, easy-going day. We opened presents and played all morning (I got my upgraded detachable stand/hand mixer and Tyler got a compound miter saw), and I got to make a delicious Christmas dinner. Daniel and his family joined us in chowing down. Brined, roasted turkey, Pop's bacon-studded stuffing, Deon's Smashing Sweet Potato Souffle, mashed potatoes and gravy, 2 kinds of homemade cranberry sauce, rolls, and peas. Apple Bavarian Tart for dessert. Sigh. I was so full and happy at the end of the day. Family time, thoughtful gifts, and good food, and the celebration of Christ's birth. It doesn't get any better than this!


Jill said…
The popper chopper is so cool!!!! Henry definitely is one rockin' kid with the popper chopper and his glasses!
And I love Sheridan's dress-ups--she is just like my Emma- always sporting some princess gear! I love it!!! What a great time!!! Kiddos totally make Christmas so fun!!!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!
Kristen said…
Love your posts, as usual -- looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends. Happy New Year!!
Jenni Elyse said…
I'm glad you had a good Christmas! The kids look so happy and like they're having fun. I laughed about the carols because I know Sheridan and those too songs. The thought just brings a big smile to my face.
Tams Family said…
So glad you had a good Christmas. It was fun to see you guys last week. We should make it a regular get-together.