"Mom, HELP!!!"

...is one of the scariest phrases from a kid. Well, perhaps "nothing" in answer to the old "what are you doing" question...
Jack announced that he needed help after appearing with a bloody nose. We were wiping it up when I noticed blood on his fingers.
"Uh oh, Jack, were you picking your nose?"
"Yep." No shame in this kid.
"Jack, that's why you've got a bloody nose! Please don't pick your nose anymore--you're hurting yourself!"
"But Mom, the boogers were TASTY!"


vanessa said…
I certainly hope that is a boy thing and that my girls don't do that too!
J and J said…
You've got to love booger stories. I should have told you the one with my sister when she was little, oh what the heck, I'll tell you anyway. When she was little, she had her finger pointed out and was saying "oh, oh oh... my dad noticed and said, oh honey, did you hurt your finger? and then he kissed it, only to notice that she had a really big booger on it...YUCK!
Jenni Elyse said…
Um, I'm not sure if I should laugh or gag. Jack is so funny.
That is hilarious. i agree with Jenni, not sure whether to laugh or gag....kind of doing a little of both. Gotta love kids!
Unknown said…
Oh my. That is just too nasty. Hilarious, but nasty.
Your kids are going to LOVE reading these posts when they get older. :) This is truly hysterical and priceless!
Annie Hatch said…
So which one of you taught him that one? :)
Melinda Ford said…
Ewwwwww. Specially the tasty part. Kids are disgusting...good thing we love em anyways.