June is the best time in Utah for playing in the water! It's not too hot yet, but it's hot enough that the water feels GOOD!
We busted out Eliza's water table (and while she's the only kid pictured here, most of her older sibling joined in on many, many occasions).

I even spent a lot of time in the pool, trying to get my pasty-pale skin ready for the Jersey Shore!
One crazy day, we even had a dove land on the side of the pool. It let Micah and Eliza get so close.
They loved it.
My kiddos really love animals.They spent a lot of their time during our lock down making perler bead creations.
So they put on a perler bead animal show!
So they put on a perler bead animal show!
Henry made some exotic jungle animals.
Amelia also pulled out her felt sewing machine and made this cute fox!
We found this cute little bat hanging out on our porch one evening. We kept checking back, but missed when this little guy flew away.
I mean, it's probably better that way. This is 2020, we'd probably have gotten rabies if we were around when it flew off. But it was really fluffy-looking and adorable.
We took walks! Hooray for the river trail!
Sheridan was so excited for Girls' Camp, and was totally bummed that it was not going to be the usual camping in the mountains. But our Stake pulled through with a really engaging, physically-distanced Corona Camp.
I mean, it's probably better that way. This is 2020, we'd probably have gotten rabies if we were around when it flew off. But it was really fluffy-looking and adorable.
We took walks! Hooray for the river trail!
Sheridan was so excited for Girls' Camp, and was totally bummed that it was not going to be the usual camping in the mountains. But our Stake pulled through with a really engaging, physically-distanced Corona Camp.
I got to take her on a beautiful hike up Rock Canyon. She did a fun service craft, learned to tie knots and practiced first aid skills.
In June, we also wrestled with the aftermath of George Floyd being killed. While we didn't attend any protests or marches, we still worked on becoming more informed on what others, especially people of color, were experiencing in America. Honestly, I don't think us typical suburban, white, middle class folks can truly grasp the prejudice that people who are not white (or middle class or Christian) face. And I think that listening to voices of people with different experiences is the least we can do. But I'm still listening, and still learning. She set up a tent and slept outside in it, and discovered it was the closest thing she'd get to her own room. Sheridan proceeded to spend the rest of the week in the tent!
So while it wasn't the normal camp, it was still a really awesome experience.
Really, it was a win for everyone!
Anyhow, my dear friend and I attended a rally put on by people of color in Provo. This area has very, very few people of color, and it was moving to hear what their experiences have been. There is a lot of work to do.
I was introduced to the idea of Juneteenth, and we celebrated and talked as a family. We ate red food and learned about the history of Juneteenth, and talked about the struggles that people of color face in American. We talked about the progress that has been made, and the fact that we still have work to do.
Rhino Hero Super Battle is a super fun one. Quick, active, and one that the littler kiddos can play. Maybe not the littlest, but it's a fun one for sure.
Can you see Super Hero Cole?
And then, my birthday came and we celebrated! I got spoiled. I'm pretty sure I also planted some stuff in the planter bed.
Father's Day was the next day. We spoiled Tyler. He is really hard to buy gifts for!
But we found some fun stuff.
I made him a yummy Oreo chocolate mousse pie with fresh strawberries. It's his favorite.
And we wrapped up Father's Day with fun and games! Let's hear if for Carcazone!
Eliza had her first dentist appointment!
And we wrapped up Father's Day with fun and games! Let's hear if for Carcazone!
Eliza had her first dentist appointment!
And we had a visit from our friendly neighborhood ninja!
We spent the week after Father's Day getting ready for our cross-country drive to New Jersey! So exciting! We didn't go last year as a family, but bags were packed...
and New Jersey put a ban on travelers from Utah. They had to quarantine for 2 weeks after arriving.
We were devastated.
And so, we decided to PIVOT.
If Corona has taught us anything, I hope it's how to pivot and enjoy the new experience.
If Corona has taught us anything, I hope it's how to pivot and enjoy the new experience.
We took a totally different vacation instead.