Welcome to 2020!
The year of clarity!
The year of vision!
The year that saw Cole turn 7!

The year of clarity!
The year of vision!
The year that saw Cole turn 7!
Cole decided to celebrate turning 7 with a dinner of corn dogs and tater tots with coconut cream puffs for dessert. The cream puffs were delicious, just like Cole.
He got spoiled with Star Wars lego sets from his Grandparents!
Hooray for Star Wars! And Legos!
Cole also loves animals and decided to have a Wild Kratts birthday party with 3 of his closest friends.

After they got outfitted with Creature Power Suits, they made their own discs and collected other creature power discs by practicing their creature powers. They played creature charades, animal Headbands, and then ran around like maniacs outside. Thank goodness it wasn't too cold, these guys had a LOT of energy!

Cole requested a snake creature power disc cake.
Cole loves reptiles: his favorite animal is a gecko lizard.
Cole's favorite color is cyan blue, except when it's green.
Cole is SO smart. He loves to read and excels at math.
He adores his little sister, sometimes a little too much.
Cole wants to be an inventor someday.
He loves to be active and zany. Things are best for him when he has the chance to run and jump and get out all that extra energy. His favorite specialties are PE and library. He also really likes math but does not like math homework.
Cole has ADHD, which can be a challenge for him and for those around him. He has made some big strides this year with medication and one-on-one time.
Cole is a leader and usually loves to make kind, responsible choices. He is super great at taking care of his responsibilities ever day. He is taking piano and is really excelling.
We cannot imagine our family without Cole. We adore him.
Happy birthday, Colecito!
Winter Break was still going strong after Cole's birthday.
Tyler took the littles to the Bean Museum one of the last days.
Cole also loves animals and decided to have a Wild Kratts birthday party with 3 of his closest friends.
After they got outfitted with Creature Power Suits, they made their own discs and collected other creature power discs by practicing their creature powers. They played creature charades, animal Headbands, and then ran around like maniacs outside. Thank goodness it wasn't too cold, these guys had a LOT of energy!
Cole requested a snake creature power disc cake.
Cole loves reptiles: his favorite animal is a gecko lizard.
Cole's favorite color is cyan blue, except when it's green.
Cole is SO smart. He loves to read and excels at math.
He adores his little sister, sometimes a little too much.
Cole wants to be an inventor someday.
He loves to be active and zany. Things are best for him when he has the chance to run and jump and get out all that extra energy. His favorite specialties are PE and library. He also really likes math but does not like math homework.
Cole has ADHD, which can be a challenge for him and for those around him. He has made some big strides this year with medication and one-on-one time.
Cole is a leader and usually loves to make kind, responsible choices. He is super great at taking care of his responsibilities ever day. He is taking piano and is really excelling.
We cannot imagine our family without Cole. We adore him.
Happy birthday, Colecito!
Winter Break was still going strong after Cole's birthday.
Tyler took the littles to the Bean Museum one of the last days.
Micah loved seeing his favorite animal (he loves tigers!)
and Eliza was brave enough to touch the huge snake!
The bigger kids had their play, The Emperor's New Clothes! It was an original musical, and Jack played the title role of Emperor. They worked on it every Saturday through the fall and has a wonderful experience learning new skills and meeting great kids.
Henry stayed in character as the serious guard for every picture.
The cast had a blast together.
Doesn't he just exude royalty?
We're so grateful for wonderful friends who came and supported these 4 in their performance.
Thespians for the win!
In preparation to teach a course on Non-Profit Management, Tyler shaved off his winter beard.
Eliza potty trained. Mostly. She started out really strong. We're still waiting for a strong finish!
Cole took first place in his class spelling bee and third place in the First Grade bee.
Sheridan placed second in the Seventh Grade spelling bee.
With such a big family, we have to go to Costco for our weekly grocery shopping. Thank goodness for huge carts that fit 2 kids and for 2 kids who usually get along!
Our cute neighbor made Eliza some darling bows, which she was more than happy to model at church.
Tyler wrapped up the month taking the 2 littlest to the Museum of Natural Curiosity where they climbed around like monkeys
and back to the Butterfly Biosphere where Eliza saw things in a whole new way.
I took a trip to Portland and hung out with my family...but that's a story for next month!
Happy January!