Early one December...

December was so full that I have to break it up into 2 posts.
On the first day of December...
Wait, this was actually the last day of November. The details are already fuzzy!
Anyhow, we went sledding as a family!
We haven't been sledding as a family in...ever. At least, not since we had kids. There was always either a napping baby (those twice a day+ naps eat up all the time!) or I was pregnant. When Saturday came snowy and not-too-cold, Tyler made the executive decision that it was time for sledding! As a family! I heartily agreed. 
So we forced everyone to get on whatever snow gear they had and join us on a little hill not too far from our home. And guess what? We all had a blast!
Jack even made himself a snow baby...
which we sacrificed to the sledding gods.
The small hill was perfect for the smaller kiddos and also perfect for the older fuddy duddies who didn't want to sled. Win/win!

Eliza did not care for the sledding part but thoroughly enjoyed the snow. Hooray for forced family fun!
Tyler then took most of the kids to the library and to pick out a Christmas tree.
And then we went caroling with some friends. Phew! What a day!
Our awesome friend, Simon, convinced Tyler to go caroling to the Family Dollar with him after the group dispersed. What a fun way to wrap up the day!

Then Pop came into town for a short weekend. Of course, I have no actual pictures with Pop (I struggle, guys, for real), but he did bring Henry a Pikachu hoodie, which Henry has worn every day since. #winning
On Sunday we decorated the tree! Tyler went with a tall, windswept beauty that smelled like heaven.
It was pretty pokey, but everyone got in on the action.
It was a great way to spend Sunday afternoon!
On Monday, I came home from the store and found that our tree had re-enacted its felling. Water and ornaments and glass was everywhere. I may have said some words as I struggled to pick the darn thing up and keep it up!
Jack had his Winter Band Concert. It's awesome to hear the progress they made in the two months since their Fall concert.
In really big news, Henry received his Webelos rank in Cub Scouts along with his Arrow of Light!
He worked so hard to reach this goal. He positively loves scouting.
He got his face all painted up (it's what all the Webelos are doing these days)
and did his best Golem impersonation. 
And then he threatened the entire audience with his Arrow of Light. What are you gonna do!?!
A huge thank you to the dedicated leaders who helped him have such an amazing Scouting experience!
December brought our Church Christmas party. Tyler got to read the story of Christ's birth. We all sang carols together. I loved it.
December was also a choice time for Henry to Party with his friends! When our kids turn 11, they get a Harry Potter party. Henry finally finished the last books this summer and fell in love with the magic.

So the boys got wands...

and a Potions class.
They got to make a basic beginners Foaming Brew and a more advanced Felix Felicitous Slime.
They got to have an Herbology class and re-pot Acromantula plants.
There was much running and shouting of Unforgivable Curses (which is why they can't be trusted as true wizards, I guess). They even practiced shooting charms at a dragon (all the pictures for that got burned up by an errant burst of flame).

Henry's cake was a nod to Mr. H. Potter himself.
One of his buddies even sent his package via Owl Post (ok, his mom did. NICE work, mom!).
December called for silly faces while siblings were at school,
especially when silly faces involved mustaches!
Micah climbed faster than a monkey (and certainly faster than a Mommy) at Thanksgiving Point.

Santa came and visited Tyler's work and the kids had their first visit with Santa in over a decade (which means the first visit they have ever had or can even remember for most of them!). He made everyone (except the oldest 3) very nervous, but we were able to get photo evidence that we tried!

Eliza got on the naughty list by drawing on the floor and had to work hard to undo her hard work.

Tyler got to visit with Santa at a different work party and was assured that he really was on the nice list, and that all his wildest dreams would come true.
The kids wrapped up school for the year with Christmas parties and a sing-around. It's a great tradition.

And Amelia was able to have a sewing party with her BFF!
School ended really late this year, but I think that's not a bad thing! We were looking forward to 2 weeks off--not just for the kiddos, but for Tyler, too!
