Four. FOUR!?! The years are going by so quickly!
So, a rundown on how birthdays usually go for us: I actually get up when the kids do and we let the birthday kid open their presents from their siblings and (sometimes) from their Grandparents. It's a pretty fun way to start off a birthday! Special kid gets the breakfast of their choice (and she chose waffles with strawberries, a kid after my own heart). Then we send older kids off to school and do other fun stuff with the homey kids.
Sometimes, if the birthday kiddo is lucky, they get a package in the mail! This year Amelia is SUPER in love with Wonder Woman. She was over-the-moon to have a Wonder Woman shirt (with cape!) from Grammy and Pop.
So, birthday kiddo gets to choose their dinner (it is generally Pizza, although Sheridan went for TURKEY DINNER this year. Yeah.). And then, cake!
This year, Amelia had a clear vision of the type of cake she wanted. A BUNNY cake (the girl is as obsessed with bunnies and chicks as she is with Wonder Woman). But not just any bunny cake. She wanted a bunny cake with chocolate frosting and strawberries. We figured something out (she was my helper in making the cake--she also told me I was doing it wrong more than once! A few tweaks got her approval).
She loved being the center of attention for once!
The kiddos usually get one or 2 bigger gifts from Mom and Dad (and a few clothes and certainly books). This year's winner was the Li'l Woodzeez Cottage. Smash hit--they played with it until bed!
A few days later we had a little party for Amelia. She's been wanting a party since last year, but things actually came together this year. 5 of her closest girlfriends came over for an afternoon of Duck, Duck, Goose! (excuse me, Rooster, Rooster, Chickie!), cupcakes, presents, and playing!
Mostly, they just played and played with the Li'l Woodzeez and Littlest Petshops.

In line with her LOVE of chicks, we did chick cupcakes. She LOVED her party!
When she grows up, Amelia wants to be a farmer.
Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Animal: (take a shot in the's a....) Chicks and bunnies, followed closely by octopus.
Favorite Princess: Wonder Woman. Amelia doesn't really care for most other princesses (although she'll admit she likes Anna, Belle, and Cinderella).
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Things to Do: go swimming, play with friends, play with siblings, help Mommy cook, read books with Daddy, and help Sister McDougal (our neighbor who has 4 boys--one of whom is a BABY--and she goes over to sew with her and weed her garden and dust).
Amelia is one little sweetheart! She loves people and has a way of making people feel loved and special. So far her hips are doing well (we'll see again in the fall) and she's growing like a weed! We love our little Miss Amelia!