Where to start with May of 2014? A little car hugging...
because why not?
Dinner time is always happy time, right?
Hooray for Mothers' Day! So very grateful to be a mum to my 5 wonderful kiddos. So very, very grateful I have a hubby who makes me a super-delicious meal to celebrate! Crab-stuffed salmon, roasted broccoli and roasted sweet potatoes,, yum!
Mr. Henry graduated from Mrs. Thibault's preschool! He LOVED preschool and was so excited to participate in their program.
And boy oh boy, did he love Mrs. Thibault!
Sheridan had her Spring dance recital. The kiddos loved watching their sister on stage!
Sheridan just loved performing! She always gets anxious about the performance and says she doesn't want to do it and stresses about it for days...but she LOVES it.
We got our first look at the house (spoiler!) we would end up buying later that summer. More on that later!
Henry LOVED the Father and Son Camp Out with the guys from church. Jack love it, too, but was usually off with his buddies and unavailable for pictures. Henry was stoked to see a real beaver dam on the camp out. I was just relieved everyone came back in one piece!