Play us a song, you're the Piano Man

This is Jack, nervously clutching his piano performance book before his very first recital (which happened in May. Why yes, I am 3 months late in posting this. Not a big surprise.).
Let's see if I can get the video to load on here. 
Ok, technologically challenged I am. Link is here!


Camille Picott said…
Jack looks SO MUCH like you!! Congrats on a great performance!
Jenni Elyse said…
He did a great job! It was fun to listen to him and see how well he's grown in playing the piano. :)
dani and fam said…
I need to get my boys started! Someone gave us a keyboard and we should use it... Good mom, Ali!
Hannah said…
Go, Jack Man! It's awesome that he taking lessons and practicing. I also just watched Sheridan's dance movies. So stinkin' cute!