Our Little Graduate

Sheridan successfully graduated from pre-school!
We never really doubted that she would!
Our family (along with our surrogate fam, the Blasers) attended the epic program. I think it lasted 1/2 hour. Tops.
 Sheridan singing Baby Beluga. It's a family favorite, so we weren't surprised that she seemed to know it (and sing it loudly) whereas the other kids made half-hearted attempts--much like their rather sedate Beluga hand actions.
 But, she seemed to know all the other songs as well...and the other kids seemed to feel like deer-in-headlights. She shook it on down to New Orleans, did Hot Butter Hot,  and you'd better believe her Mr. Sun was shining out on me. Whew! Seriously, I don't think we need to teach that kid how to project her voice for stage stuff.
 In fact, the teacher's husband suggested that we get her involved in theater (he's one of those "thespians", so I'll take it as a compliment! Of course, with the thespianatical heritage she has on both sides, we figured she was a shoe-in.
This was our crew, in the back row. No problem hearing her from here!
Sheridan was pretty proud of herself. Her teacher noted that she was her most "dramatic" student--"but in a good way!" Nice cover, teacher, nice. We all remember the fieldtrip in March. That little "performance" when I dropped her off could've earned her an Emmy. 
Preschool was lots of fun, but we're so happy our big girl is ready to move on to elementary school!


Camille Picott said…
Oh wow, can't believe Princess Sheridan is already graduation from pre-school!
Jenni Elyse said…
The purple hair! Oh, how I miss it. But, at the same time, I like looking normal in pictures again.

And, Sheridan did a great job with her graduation. It was fun to watch the little kids sing, especially to watch Sheridan soaking in the limelight of attention on stage.