At Amelia's 4 month well-check, we got some bad news.
No dice.
When they did the little leg check, her hip had a loud "clunk". That is not good.
They sent us in for a hip ultrasound and x-rays. It is never a good sign when the ultrasound tech does one hip fine, and then upon doing the other calls the orthopedics and asks for someone to "come down and take a look at this." We weren't able to get into the pediatric othopedics until July 6th.
Sure enough, Mia's left hip naturally wants to dislocate rather than be nice and happily snug in the hip socket. They put her in a Pavlik harness to try and get the socket to form.
By Saturday, Tyler noticed she wasn't using the bad side AT ALL. She'd kick the good side like crazy, but would only twitch the bad side's foot. She was upset almost all the time (which is very, very irregular for our happy little girl). She barely slept and wouldn't eat a full meal. An email to the doc and she told us to take her out of the harness and bring her in on Tuesday (12th). Sigh.
On Tuesday, we learned that the harness wasn't working. The next option is a body cast (google "spica cast" for what that option looks like). She may or may not need surgery--the doc will only be able to figure that out when Amelia is under anesthesia--but will be in the cast for 3 months (with a change in the middle).
August 25th is C-Day. Wish us luck!
"hip, hip, HOORAY!" Love you and her!