Too much book info

If you're looking for pictures of my adorable kids or interesting info about our family's goings-on, look further. Try the next post, it's a cute on about Sheridan with far too many pictures. This one is all about my addiction.


Hello, my name is Ali, and I'm a Bookaholic.

(Just so you know, I am not trying to make light of people with serious addictions, but I really think I have a problem with being a reading addict. Fortunately, it does not have as many negative outcomes associated with it.)

My friend Jenni posted this little reading Q&A on her blog and I think it's kinda fun. Never knew everyone didn't read the same way I do!

That might be a good thing (at least according to my darling husband)

Do you snack while you read? If so, what is your favorite reading snack?
Nope, I'm too sucked into the story. Who needs physical food when they have an imagination being fed?

What is your favorite drink while reading?


Do you tend to mark your books as you read? Or, does the idea of writing in books horrify you?
Only my school books. I like to keep my reading books as nice as possible.

How do you keep your place while reading a book? Bookmark? Dog-ears? Laying the book open?
I either lay the book open (if it's going to be a brief break) or remember the page (if I'm going on a longer hiatus).

Do you prefer fiction, non-fiction, or both?

Fiction. Reality usually involves something grim and sad, whereas fiction often is happily-ever-after. Plus, I haven't seen dragons in much non-fiction, so what's the point to that?!?

Are you a person who tends to read to the end of a chapter, or can you stop anywhere?

Actually, I like to read to the end of the book, like so mad-cap marathon. When that isn't possible, I prefer to read to the end of a chapter.

Are you the type of person to throw a book across the room or on the floor if the author irritates you?
No. I generally finish the story and then decide that I'll never touch the book again if I had really strong, bad feelings.

If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop and look it up right away?
Nope. I usually understand what is meant by the context. If I'm wrong, though, and I use the word later I end up looking silly.

What are you currently reading?
Nothing. My poor husband already had to put up with too much reading this month!

What is the last book you bought?
A Star Wars book for the oldest boy. For myself...I can't even remember the last book I bought myself! Maybe Elantris by Brandon Sanderson.

Are you the type of person that reads one book at a time, or can you read more than one?
I'm generally a one at-a-time person, but if I'm having a tough time getting into a book I'll start another as I trudge through the first.

Do you have a favorite time/place to read?
Favorite time of day: When kids are napping.

Favorite place: the couch.

Favorite situation: when Tyler's out of town so he can't give me a hard time about not paying attention to anything. Plus, it makes the time he's gone go by so much faster.

Do you prefer series or stand-alone books?
I like to have some good stand-alones, but I really enjoy series (it takes away the question of "whatever shall I read next?").

Is there a specific book or author you find yourself recommending over and over?
Brandon Sanderson. Not a lot of people know about him, but he's got a really fun style and a-typical fantasy notions.

How do you organize your books (by genre, title, author’s last name, etc.)?


Jenni Elyse said…
Wow! I've never seen anyone organize their books by genre before. Well, Corey organizes his by subject, but that doesn't count since all of his books are textbooks or manuals.
Jenni Elyse said…
PS - I like the new look.
you're nuts ;) (about reading, hehe) I'm always surprised to find people who read as much as you do, since I'm mostly the opposite. But I do prefer a good book on cd so I can listen while sewing or feeding a baby. sitting still is too much to ask of me :)love ya!
vanessa said…
Just finished Mistborn (I finally caved and read a B Sanderson book.) I loved it!!! So are you on yet? You really should be, then you can see what Merrick and I are reading!! We'd love to see what you're reading too. Miss you guys!
Courtney said…
I love reading too. And we have so many books they are organized by genre as well.
Tim and Angie said…
I love to read! I feel like I'm out of book ideas right now though. Fun post. BTW, you guys need to come over again soon. We're gone for a bit, but I'll let you know when we're back and we'll have a bbq!
Courtney said…
I don't have your email so I'll ask you here-
We are having this next one at Riverton Hospital. Do you know anything about it. I am so nervous to have another 'Utah' baby. My first 'Utah' baby was an awful experience and my Nebraska ones were so wonderful.