All that Easter Goodness

It was a very nice Easter this year. Very low-key. We had our church's general conference, so we were able to stay around the house and watch our prophet and apostles speak about Christ and how to live better lives. It was very spiritually uplifting. We had dinner with Tyler's sister and her family, his Grandpa, his brother and his family, and his brother-in-law's brothers. It was quite a fun crowd, and super-tasty food! (pineapple chutney goes very nicely with an Easter ham, if you're wondering!)
When the 2 oldest woke up, they found some baskets full of sugary bounty awaiting them. They, of course, dug right on in. (can't. stop. for pictures. must. eat. chocolate.)
It also snowed about . Since the Easter Bunny hid eggs the night before, the hunt in the morning was a bit more challenging than usual (not only was the snow covering the eggs, but the wardrobe requirements were extensive!).
The pink panther goes after the poor lost eggies. She will find them, oh yes, she will.
Is that a bunny hopping up from behind the slide? Nope, it's a Jack-a-Lope, ready to find some hidden goodness.
Henry missed the outdoor hunt, but he didn't care...he got him some SUGAR! (which, let's be honest, is a major rarity for him. poor kid)
Most importantly, we were excited to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Happy Easter!


Jenni Elyse said…
What a fun way to hunt for eggs! I love the pics to the kids. I'm glad you had a nice Easter.
love it! Glad you had a fun easter and Ty had a good birthday! Thanks for the shower gifts, they're awesome!