
Finally a pict of the kiddos in Easter gear.
Henry looks a little afraid because he is a little afraid. Sheridan has a habit of being a little too friendly with his face.

Caught in the act! Sheridan was busy dancing with her "prince"


Keith and Nicci said…
Tanner can relate with Henry...
Jenni Elyse said…
I love Henry's face! He's so cute! It's a really good picture of all of them together!
Jill said…
CUTE KIDDOS!!! I love Jack's suit--sooo handsome!
Poor Henry--3rd kid always gets worked over by the bigger ones! pretty soon he'll be big enough to fight back though!!! He's growing so fast! He's so adorable!
dani and fam said…
i cant believe how big sher is getting. miss you guys.
Tim and Angie said…
You guys sure do have cute kids. We want to get together again soon. Lydia has been asking to see Jack too.
Dayna said…
That is so cute! They are getting SO BIG! I can't believe it! I hope life is going well for you!