Pomp and Circumstance

This is my handsome nephew, Jason. The impetus for our trip to Portland was his graduation from Evergreen High School. He's headed to BYU-I in the fall. We're so proud of our guy (I was going to scan in the picts from his birth to include in this post, but ran out of time at my parents' house. Sorry!).Here he is with his Dad (my oldest brother, who, btw, will be our house guest in a week while he comes out to start his new job! So excited! His family will follow soonish--after they take care of having a baby, getting Jason off to school, and figure out what to do with the house...).
Congrats, Familia Bird! Now to shove him lovingly from the nest...:)


Not related to this post :) -- but we're down in the Outer Banks...not P-ville. :(