Heck, while we're at it, here's a pict of the cute kid-to-be. It's obviously a little hard to see how cute he specificly will be, but that's ok. The picture a while back where I looked HUGE...well, my friends, that's called tricky photography. Anything is going to look significantly larger when taken from that angle. Put that trick up your sleeve for some April Fool's Day fun! Not to say that I'm tiny, but I'm not a planetoid or anything!
Hey, and feel free to submit your guess as to when the little guy will get here. I must warn you, I am dilated and effaced pretty well, but officially not due until either the 2nd or the 7th of December, depending on the doc or the ultrasound. Take your pick, it doesn't really mean much! I was 2 days over with Jack and they induced me after being at 4 cm for 2 weeks just before my due date with Sheridan. So, being dilated to 3.5 and 80% effaced probably means...well, not a whole lotta. But, you know, it's always fun to have a guess and see how close (or far off :) your guess comes!
Oh and I must say you look awesome!
November of course!
I would say the 16th, so he's born on the same day as Uncle Corey, but that's this Sunday. So, let's go with November 27.
http://www.thebabywearer.com/lists/Sewing.htm I used the first website
because it had videos :)
Hope those help - if I could do it, anyone can!
Yes, Jen, you are MEAN. Fortunately, I'll have the kid before Christmas, so Phhhhtttt, you're wrong. Phew!