The 4th of July wasn't even 2 weeks ago...

So I don't know why you've been so anxious to see what happened then!
Well, we did the typical "provo thing" and went to the Freedom Festival Parade. Fortunately, it was overcast for the most part, since it was over 90 degrees at 10 am! As you may know, shade in Utah is a tricky thing. When it's just a bit too warm outside, you'll need a sweater in the shade. When it is a little chilly outside, you need a parka in the shade. When it is cold outside, you pray to never step under a tree's shadow. But, when it is blisteringly hot outside, the shade is actually pretty pleasant. You know, just in case you ever visit Utah. So, our friends Jenni (the grownup) and Aubrey (the not grownup) joined us for the parade. All the kids really liked the giant balloons (except Babaar, of whom Sheridan was petrified). Jack adored the marching bands but didn't like the colonial soldiers that shot off their "muskets" right by us. Sheridan liked the princessed and horses. I liked the people who sprayed water at us. Afterwards, we had our dear friends Dani, Cameron, and Mayes over for lunch and a swim. The kids helped me discover a European Paper Wasp infestation under our deck (more future posts on the European Paper wasp to come, I'm sure, since they've joined Morning Glory as a nemisis). I was stung trying to get Jack back to the pool, so Tyler got to spend the next hour or so spraying down wasp nests (and I told visual anarchy, so innocently, that we'd hardly seen any wasps in our new place...Yeah, I hadn't seen them because they were busily building in June!).

Later, we had a BBQ with Corey and Jenni and I made my first potato salad. Yeah, that's something I've never cared too much for, but Tyler begged me to make his Nana's salad. I was willing because it doesn't have onions (I HATE raw onion) or mustard (blech). It was pretty tasty, even to us non-potato salad lovers.

Games, fireworks, was a nice holiday.


Jenni Elyse said…
We had so much with you! I'm glad you enjoyed the parade as well. I wish we could've stayed and watched fireworks or play games.