Free to a Good Home

Well, we have a new feature at our house that is nice fer yer bum. It's called couches that haven't been through 20 years in a student apartment. While they aren't new couches, they are less than 5 years old. This beauty (which we've had for six years, since pre-marriage) now has to move over. In fact, it's been kicked to the curb in hopes that someone will provide it with a nice home. Barring that, it's off to DI. Now, the couch did not look so terrible in our home. With a couch cover, it looked just fine. But, have you ever dealt with couch covers? ARRRGH!! A source of 6 year frustration for me, I'll be honest. You sit on it, the seat gets all mussed and pulls away from your carefully placed tucks. Soon, the underfabric is showing (how embarrassing for the poor couch!) and it looks as though your preschooler decorated your house. I got so fed up with that this week that I turned to every Utah-Bargain-Lover's favorite site, classifieds. It's like a clarified Craigslist. So, Monday I picked up our "new" velvet microfibre loveseat (it's a dark army brown) and today we picked up our "new" leather jacket-like couch. Man, it is 30 times more comfortable than the old one!
So, no, they aren't a set, and they are different colors (the loveseat looks much greener in the picts). But I didn't really want them to "match"--I'm pretending to be more eclectic than I really am! I think I need some accessories to pull it together (not to mention some different curtains!), but I'm already LOVING not having to re-tuck and arrange the couch covers every time someone is coming over!
If you'd like to reserve one of our cushions for yer bum's seating enjoyment, please contact our reservation line!


Anonymous said…
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Jenni Elyse said…
Yeah! You have new couches! I'm so happy for you!!!
*natalie said…
As my Mom always says, "Anyone can pick out a furniture set. Only a real designer can mix and match furniture and make it look good." So there you go!

I tried the couch cover only lasted about 2 hours before I got sick of tucking and took it back to the store.
Hannah said…
I am glad I am not the only one who frets over those couch covers!!! I think my children will hate them forever because if someone is coming over I won't let anyone touch the couches. I had to teach Geoff how to get up without pulling the cover off the couch. He still forgets. BUT ... they sure do look better than the horrid fabric hidden underneath.
Mappy Hama said…
I love your pun--I am ASSuming intended--for your BUM (furniture by the curb!) Your'e so funny!