Little Lilia

Well, Tyler's sister, Melanie, finally had her baby girl on Sunday, March 9th. Lilia was 7 lbs 7.7 oz and was born at 5:59 PM. She's adorable, and obviously gets all that dark hair from her mommy (no, really, Melanie was born with a head full of wild, dark hair as well). Cute!

We're actually expecting...another nephew in a week, when my sister-in-law is due to be induced. It must be spring!


vanessa said…
Cute! I'm so excited for my little one too! Hopefully I'll have some good news posted on our blog in the next week or two. I'm due on Monday can you believe it?!
Unknown said…
Congrats Melanie! She is cute. :)
vanessa said…
So I caught the subtle play on words here: "We're actually other..." and I want to know if you're giving hints or not! :) You know, you guys just went on a romantic trip to Hawaii... etc. etc. Maybe you do need to call me soon hehe.
tyler and ali said…
We are not expecting another baby of our own, Vanessa. I just did that to be funny (you know me). But, now we aren't expecting any more. Our new nephew is here!