C'mon ride the Train...the Potty Train

So, we have been working with Jack at the whole "potty training" thing for about 2 months (minus our time in Hawaii...there was so much excitement we were almost back to the beginning...). He's been doing really well, and finally "graduated" to the potty train (he used to talk about how he wanted to get on the potty train...I guess we exploited that to fuel a desire to use the potty). We had a ceremony complete with a Potty Trophy and sash. You can now call our boy "Mr Potty".
Potty training is not easy. This whole experience was pretty good for Tyler, but you know who was home day after day with Mr Potty. That's right, me. I was there during the Great Accident of 1/08. That was the time he wet his pants at Beth's house and continued to play for quite some time before I found him. Luckily, she's potty training off and on so she's used to spots on the floor. The pre-dinner prep seems to be an impetus to forget that he's wearing underwear...I've burned more food this past month than any previous time in my life (including home ec). He recently decided he'd try and use the toilet "like Daddy does". Fortunately, I caught that and stopped it before anything happened (he doesn't aim so well yet!). And yet, here we are. A kid who is pretty much on the Potty Train...he only falls off occasionally! Hey, and I've finally gotten over my aversion to the word "potty".
In other news...well, I don't think much else is going on...Sheridan continues to teethe and Tyler is working hard at school and work. I've started working out (me and Billy Blanks and Denise Austin, kachou!) and hope to be fit in time for the Beach this summer.


Tams Family said…
Congratulations graduate! We are happy and excited for you, and a little jealous. :) Someday Matthew will decide to join the club. And as for Billy Blanks - Give me one more set, just one more!
Congrats, Mr. Potty! That's wonderful and wonderful for your parents, too! Woo-hoo! We hit our 2nd month without a single accident with Beck and it has been absolutely heavenly, although I still have to fight with him to go potty in the morning. I'm also enjoying hte extra $30 per month that I DON'T have to spend on diapers for him! YES!
Keith and Nicci said…
Oh wow, that sounds like so much fun that I can't even wait until we get there... Good for you on the working out (you're always welcome to join our walking group at University Mall Tues/Thurs at 9:00 am as well!). And I think you might be on to something with the whole weaning thing and Austin wanting daddy - he's still nursing once a day, but this did all start around the same time I started cutting him off more...
Congrats on the potty training! What a huge step, especially for little boys! Keep those Clorox Wipes on hand for any dribbles--I love the person who invented them!
Jenni Elyse said…
Yay for Jack! That's so exciting!

I love Sheridan's purple dress and her pig tails are so cute!!! The other pictures are very cute as well.
vanessa said…
So we finally managed to teach Avery how to say "Peace Out" in memory of you guys. :) She's still having trouble with the whole two finger peace sign thing though. We'll have to post a video of her saying it sometime.
Jackson, as you know has been riding the train for a long time now, but that's when you have other adventures. Peeing standing up is only one of them. The others are when he decides "fine, i'll sit but i'm not aiming, and you still have to clean up the seat the toilet, the floor and change his pants and underpants. Has he fallen IN the toilet ever? does he wear his underpants backwards so he can "see the picture?"
Beck has a pair of Thomas the train underpants that have a fabulous train going along the bum, and so he INSISTS that they are on backwards when they are really on right. And so he wears them backwards, too. Same with his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ones, with a car on the back.
i just love the bug-eyed look Axel has in the second pic. its great!
good job,
we love you
uncle andy, aunt heather, sydney and jackson