One is Fun

Can you believe it? A whole year has gone by?!? Yep, our little baby is now a toddler--she's been walking well for 3 weeks now, and we rarely see her crawl anymore! That is good news for her clothing--break out the white pants, even if it is before Memorial Day!
We had a little party with Tyler's family a few weeks before the big day, and then a littler party on her birthday. She really really liked the cake. A lot. Her presents were pretty good, too :) She got her first baby doll and FELL IN LOVE!
Happy First Birthday, Sheridan!
Oh, we are also pretty much healthy again. Let the social life resume!


Happy Birthday, Sheridan! What a cutie! Great job on the cake too.
vanessa said…
Yay! I've been anxious to see some pictures of the first birthday. She looks like she was ready to pass out after all the cake. So cute! I love the dress and headband picture too. She's a little lady now. Seems just like yesterday we were listening to the baby monitor while you guys were in the hospital. :)
Jenni Elyse said…
I'm glad she had a good birthday! I love the last picture. She looks pooped!
Kate said…
Happy Birthday Sheridan, remember me, I used you told you when you were a wee babe in the BYU 171st ward. Oh the good old days!
*natalie said…
Happy Birthday Cutie!

By the way...fantastic job on the cake.
Keith and Nicci said…
Are they really 1 already (or almost for Austin?), That's so crazy! My favorite was the picture of Sheridan sleeping in her highchair - classic.

Hey, if you guys aren't too busy (which you probably are, because we know how popular you both are:) you're welcome to stop by Saturday for Austin's party (3:30) - no presents, we're just hanging out with friends and celebrating. Maybe we'll see you!
How fun! Cake is always a good thing. ALWAYS.
How fun! Cake is always a good thing. ALWAYS.
The Francis' said…
Oh my gosh...crazy...she's one already! Wow time seemed to go by fast. She is cute...I was still picturing her all tiny...but of course infants never stay the same for long. Happy Belated birthday to Sheridan!