Improving Home Improvement (or I can do it, you can help)

Well, Tyler has a pretty full schedule and a propensity to strongman pipes, so a few months ago I decided to try my hand at plumbing. That went pretty well (I did need a little help, but that's why we have a strongman in the house, isn't it?). Well, Tyler is currently working full time and has 2 pretty busy classes in his second-to-last semester of Mastering the Public, so he doesn't always want to spend his free time "build[ing] something together". Plus, he doesn't get as much time with the kids as I do...
Well, I came up with a brilliant idea to meet all of our needs: my "homey-do" (some people call it a "honey do" list, but you all know Tyler's my homey) list gets checked off, the kids get Daddy time, and I get a break from the kids. It's called "Ali's Got Skills". That's right, I am learning to do all that fun home improving and Tyler gets to watch the kids. IT IS GREAT! Really, it seems to be a win-win situation for us all. I am much more eager to get projects done in our house, probably because I am in it all the time.
In September I picked up some basic plumbing. I'm adding a few more plumbing skills to my repertoire this month. Other than a geyser in the tub, it's been going fairly well.
I did my first electrical work on Monday. That's right, I learned how to replace light fixtures with very little help (I had to call my dad to figure out what to do with the ground wire when there wasn't a green screw since Tyler was asleep on the couch while I was electricianing). I had so much fun with the light fixture over the kitchen sink that I replaced hall lights upstairs and down. They were plain old, paint-spattered fixtures and I replaced them with this kind of beauty.
I'm hoping to learn some drywall patching this weekend, prepping for removing our huntin' themed paneling in May. I'm sure I'll let you know how that goes.
In my "spare time" I also constructed curtains for the playroom and the windows beside the front doors (those front door windows were really in need of some privacy!). The playroom, as you can see on closer inspection, has some dragons in the mix. I picked up the fabric in New Zealand and am stoked to finally have someplace fun to feature it.
I also discovered a fun store in Provo called "Restore". They take donations of home improvement (both new and used) items and sell them to benefit Habitat for Humanity. Anyway, we got our sink fixture and the curtain rod finials for the playroom there. It's a place to visit again and again (Tyler's brother, Andy, would really dig that place).


Unknown said…
Love the curtains! When it comes to refinishing time give me a call. I can leave the kids with the husband and come help you.
Ali, you are positively inspiring! I can't wait until we have our own house again and we can actually do what we want to it! (We have a house in Florida we were never able to sell, so we are living in an apartment again. Sadness.) Anyway, go you! You are empowering women everywhere!
You inspire me--I love knowing how to fix things around the house, but have been terrified of tackling the plumbing issues! I love the curtains too!
Jenni Elyse said…
I love the new fixtures! They're quite pretty. Ali, you should be very proud of yourself!!! Awesome job!
tyler and ali said…
C & J--stink about your florida house...built in vacation home?
Beth--oh, yes, you are on my short (very short) list of people to enlist in my schemes.
Kelli--plumbing is far less scary than I imagined...but I only do fairly simple stuff.
Nuestro Familia said…
I am seriously jealous of your mad house fixin' skills.
Keith and Nicci said…
You're my inspiration Ali!
What on earth or should I say "What in the heck in the world..." (Jackson's phrase)makes you think I'd want to buy used stuff? Other than the fact that I would own stock in DI if they sold it? Anyway, what do you think you're doing with a screwdriver anyway? Yes you should be in the kitchen, but who told you to put your shoes back on? anyway good job on installing the "boob lights". they look...well perky.