Jack and I have entered the world of crafts. I have been a slacker-mom for the past 2 years, mainly because crafts tend to be so messy and Jack likes to make things REALLY Messy (what preschooler doesn't?). I caved into peer pressure (or mother-in-law pressure that's really just loving excitement, but we'll call that peer pressure to make me feel better). My mother-in-law used to be a preschool teacher so she has TONS of great craft/learning/activity ideas. We started in October with a few and have really enjoyed painting this month (a nod to Rebecca for the washable paints). There's his Native American vest (which we made with the "Trouble Gang", his group of buddies with whom we regularly chill), his owl, and his tents and tubes (that's from Grammy, too, so I figured we'd add it here. Also, he's at least kinda smiling in that picture, and I wanted one where he didn't just look like a slack-faced deer in headlights since he's usually a jovial kid). Oh, and in the owl picture, no, we don't just dress our kid in my cast-off clothing. Just when he's going to be making a mess. Oh, so all the time.)