In search of the Zucchini

Well, what with our large yard and all, we decided in June (once the dreaded, evil, grasping morning glory had been sufficiently tamed) to plant a garden. It was the end of June, just entering the unbearably hot summer season here. Great time to garden! Apparently, everyone in our area isn't of that mindset, as most of the veggies were gone at Home Depot by the time we got there. We were lucky to pick up a watermelon vine (which didn't really grow at all), 2 pepper plants (one of which grew, but neither of which produced more than a pretty white flower!), a purple basil plant (which has done decently, but is a little scrawny still) and a zucchini. I figured, if nothing else, the zucchini would do...something. It did. We recently harvested the fruit of our labors. One zucchini.

We made 2 lovely batches of zucchini brownies with the one zucchini. It actually looks like we might harvest 2 more before it frosts over!

So, the moral is, if you like zucchini but not too much, plant one in late June! It might just give you the little somethin' somethin' you crave without having to offload a million squashes on your neighbors.
Oh, and now it turns out that the morning glory isn't really under control after all. It had just gotten a little lazy whilst it was 100,000 degrees here. Sigh. I guess me and Roundup will have to resume our relationship.


Unknown said…
I've never been successful at growing zucchini. But I'm excellent at growing Morning Glory.
You're brilliant. I like zucchini, but not 238597 pounds of it. One or two every once in a while. So, your strategy for growth to get only 1 is something I will implement if I ever, in my life, have a yard. And, if I could get Morning Glory to flourish under my black thumb, we would rejoice and eat it.
Jill said…
Wow check you out...all Martha Stewart and all with a garden!! Awesome! I've wanted to be a little more daring, I'm just not sure what grows in the blazing heat of AZ besides cacti!

PS how are your Sundays going??? Hang in there! You rock girl!
Hannah said…
I don't have zucchini or Roundup for you, but I do have another box of 3T clothes coming your way soon.
PS I love to grate and freeze extra zucchini so that I can eat yummy zucchini cake in the winter when I want to heat my house by turning on the oven. The same goes for freezing rhubarb.