Sugar and Spice and Snowmen are nice

Ok, she really is super sweet...she has a powerful set of lungs and thinks she's a diva, but she's great. She now has enough hair to style. Perhaps now people won't think she's a boy! (we call them "boo" and "samurai")
Jack has to have a project to do daily. It keeps him occupied for 2-5 minutes. I am running out of ideas (Grammy, we need your help!). On Monday I was struck with the brilliant idea of turning marshmallows into snowmen for our Family Home Evening Treat. Jack was in love with the idea, because he loves to eat marshmallows. For the rest of the day, though (we made them at 10 am), he tried to start FHE with a song and a prayer and a lesson (this is Jesus. He loves us) so he could have the snowmen (Ok, we had FHE, let's eat the snowmen!). It was very funny. The snowmen look hideous, but he likes them, so there you go!
And finally, Sheridan has started signing...a very little. She got this ball popper from Grandude and Mahnah and now occasionally signs "ball". Later that day, she and Jack decided to build something together. It was precious until Jack decided he was done sharing and started a fight. Most things end that way these days!


Unknown said…
There is no way I could come up with project for my kids everyday. Though, if I did I am sure they would like me more.
Jenni Elyse said…
They are so cute! I love Sheridan's dos. :) And I just love Jack and his snowmen; he is so like his Aunt Jenni!

I'm so happy that Jack shared for a little while since Sheridan adores Jack!
Maybe we should start a blog called "5-Minute Activities for Crazed 3-Year-Olds". Then, we could all contribute our thoughts and ideas and maybe we wouldn't be insane all the time? I got the Sunbeam manual and started doing a lesson a day with the kids. That lasted a week and then . . . I'm not sure . . . but I feel insane again.
kristi r said…
love the snowmen! what a fun idea. I also like the blog idea for "5 minute Activities for Crazed 3-year-olds"!

I've been doing preschool with my two older kids from and have been loving it. It sends all the crafts and stuff without me having to do any of the prep or being too creative. We just sit down everyday and do something.